Be the change you wish to see in the world
Be the change you wish to see in the world
"It's just a western thought destroying our Indian culture."
"It is unnatural."
"Humans are just moving towards sin, nothing else."
"It's just to satisfy the lust."
"It's a mental disease."
These are the most common sayings in India, that I'm sure we all must have heard of,
right? But the main question is, is it really true? Is it really a disease which can
be cured through prayers or therapy sessions? Is homosexuality really
We always heard that non-humans don't engage in homosexual behaviour. But to your
contradictory, homosexuality do exists in animals. Yes, you read that right. Infact,
not only animals, there are also some plants that shows same-sex sexual behaviours.
The term 'homosexual' is probably not politically correct for plants but they do
have bisexual and unisexual behaviours. Just because homosexual behaviour doesn't
lead to reproduction does not mean that it's unnatural. It is nearly a universal
phenomenon in both the animal and plant kingdom and in humans too.
According to University of Oslo Zoologist Petter Bockman, nearly 1500 animal species
practice same-sex coupling including insects, fishes, birds and mammals. The laysan
albatross are known for its large no. of homosexual relationships, and around 30% of
pairings on Oahu island are made up of two females. Among giraffes, there's more
same-sex than opposite-sex activity. Infact, according to different studies, more
than 90% of all observed sexual activity in giraffes is same-sex activity.
Among birds, swans are monogamous and usually stay together for life. Around 20% of
swan couples are homosexuals and start their family together. In some cases, they
mate with opposite sex just to have eggs while in other cases they adopt abandoned
eggs. The most well-known homosexual animal is a dwarf chimpanzee where the entire
species is bisexual.
Bisons, Bonobos, Japanese macaques etc. are some of the species where homosexual
behaviour is more common than heterosexual behaviour. Also species like sea urchins
and aphis, who never indulge in sexual activities at all shows asexual behaviour. As
this lists of animals clearly says that homosexuality is completely
natural, the
whole idea or argument over same-sex relationships being unnatural is just a
backward mindset of human society.
Apart from this, Homosexuality was never illegal or a criminal offence in ancient
India. Many ancient scriptures and sculptures portray homosexuality as a completely
normal behaviour, but it was criminalised by the British officers during their rule
in India.
It's almost 2022 and homosexuality is still a taboo in India. People still
discriminate the members of LGBTQ+ community. Cinemas still stereotypically portray
a gay man as girly and a lesbian woman as erotic. Most LGBTQ+ individuals in India
still remains closeted fearing discrimination and abandonment from their families
and friends who might see homosexuality as shameful.
There's a common quote that says, "If being yourself is a crime, then freedom is
just an illusion." So, after all this, do you still think that homosexuality is
"This article was originally published at Likho website, hosted by
Humsafar Trust".
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