Live with Pride

Be the change you wish to see in the world

Sexuality, LGBTQ Community Gender Identity, Sex Education and Hollywood

The film industry is undoubtedly making Gender identity and sexuality analysis a really normal scenario in our day to day life which is really essential.
Movies on the Gay community ,Sex Slave Exploitation not only bring into Light the true stories but also educate people on how important one’s sexuality is.
It is but still obvious that certain films exaggerate the importance of sex.Dicrimination of a person based on their Indentity is not only racist but also sexist.

Fragile Intake

The thing that’s to be noted is that the Conservative families are not able to take the Coming out of young teens and twenteens as gays/Queers/Lesbians etc seriously and comforting them. It is a bitter truth that even today people are afraid to claim who they are as a result of social perspectives on the LGBTQ+ community.
Casual Sex is still seen as a taboo by many.
It’s a huge step towards gender equality when it comes to including people from the LGBTQ community as a main side character adding to a normalised equality promoting Environment.
These Movies on this part have contributed highly on engraving the practicality and importance on sex education and gender Analysis.

What do they Dramatise..?

While there are many plus sides of the recent movies,there has also been instances where the screen play is a far from practical portrayal of reactions, consequences of a sensitive situation where a character is vulnerable in the Sexual part.There were also parts of the movie where people from a particular section of the community are bullied and used as pieces of comedy.
But, there are several directors who are paying minor detail attention to how they showcase the vulnerable character which truly is and will be appreciated by the film circle.
Drawing a clear cut boundary to Love and sex life hasn’t made any sense in the movies where it should have.
The Plus sides educate people to understand the practicality , the exaggerated part puts on the false light on perfect character and in one way promotes body shaming. Latest movies have been ,on one hand making a point that being who you are is just normal and on the other hand romantising Sex Slavery.
The change that has taken place in the minds of audience is the true effect of whats being shown in the film.Therefore, triggering Identity based dicrimination in any form would result in misunderstanding of the subject that would lead to chaos in the vulnerable sections of the Gender community.

The Bright Side

Recent trends have shown that the film makers are highly careful while crafting the film on these subjects to ensure their movie is inclusive of all the people of the LGBTQ community, where at least scenes of dramatising them has minimalised.
Atlast, it all comes to one point, be it a movie or real life situation,we are individuals.
Of course people shouldn’t treat us differently because of what we prefer.But, their opinions and perspectives shouldn’t hinder us from what we like in being / doing as.

Major Points well made by the Recent films

Sex and sex education are as normal as all other day-to day activities it’s no Sin. Intimate scenes are not a TABOO. All people are people(emotions included!). In today's society, we are in need of talents and potentials, not someone's gender/sexual preference.
LGBTQ community are normal people as same as we all are and no less. It’s the talent and will by which people should be judged and treated and never by their Sexual or gender preference.